Daisypath Vacation tickers

Sunday, October 24, 2010

sunday morning

Once in a while, Shern would come in my room when I am still in dreamland and wake me up. Today is one of those days.

He came in with his favourites... CARS!

These cars were actually mine many many years ago!

After awhile, he got bored playing on the bed and decided to play in his favourite style, LAZY STYLE!

Lying on the floor while pushing his cars, looking at the wheels.



tanshuyin said...

hahaha. he woke u up today?

y all his cars today red colour wan?
he is becoming like us..loves red!

Lamb~ said...

hehe, isn't it a lovely thing for a cute boy like him to wake you up in the mornings? XP i used to have a ronald mcdonald car too, only that mine was green in colour. :)

tanshuyin said...

mary anne...nah. min hates it coz she wanna sleep til noon on weekends. everytime shern goes into the room to wake her up, she will pretend to be asleep still. hahaha
unless shern banged the door non-stop and she had no choice but to open it for him! ;P

Shu-Min said...

maryanne...my sis is right. weekends are for catching up with my sleep! i will not move even if Shern tries to wake me up. I'll cover up my face! hehehe PIG i know :P

yin...mum was choosing all RED for him as he was making noise for the sealed red car displayed in the dining room.. so they looked for our old toys for RED cars. even when they let shern to choose, he chooses red! maybe he indeed likes red colour.. hmmmmmm

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