sometimes there are moments when you just feel like breaking the rules.
if you study well and hard, you'll pass your exam. if you dont, you are increasing the risk to fail. but still you dont study until last minute. and panic!
just like me. i know i must start studying. i know if i dont study i will fail. but still.......
3 weeks ago
go study la...still update blog...memang tak tau fikir
i totally understand the feeling lo...geram-ness!!! just cant wait to break free hor?? hahaha... =]
lean: blogging is about EXPRESSING your feelings =P
david: yes! i cant wait to spread my wings without feeling guilty!! =]
shu-min, yes, go STUDY!! haha..
yes! i'm forcing myself to be in that mood! GAMBATE TO ME! =P is like so BORING..**dead** everytime i see it...must get some inspiration from somewhere...LOL...
zzz.... (",)
think about it this way. get it done this sem and get rid of your LAW books! once and for all!! =D
you can do it!!!
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