first of all, ALL THE BEST for those who are taking paper 3 and paper 4 on monday and tuesday!!! (note: purposely put red colour for ONG wan... hahaha)
since i have a pathetic small class, let me introduce my coursemates who corrupted me and make me not as innocent as last time anymore.. lolMISS HOOI CHIN...
physical appearance : tall, skinny, long hair
character : noisy, crazy, dun listen in class (but she will still score damn high during examinations.. dont u just envy people like her?? lol)
favourite colour : pink pink.... and only PINK!
specialty : like to call herself miss money or miss happy..
dream : marry a rich guy
possible future : according to mr oh, she will be a good accountant or ambassadorMISS LEAN LEAN...
physical appearance : tall, long soft hair, small eyes -.-
nickname : bin bong (thx to me)
character : quiet if u dunno her... not quiet anymore if u know her (to the extend of even kill/cekik/kick/slap/whack you)
specialty : likes to give people UNLIMITED nicknames, doesn't like to eat rice/mee (eg. orders hokkien mee without mee.. only the "liau"), our class's newspaper girl!! =P
dream : sleep until late late everyday
possible future : according to mr oh, she need to do something to do with art, med n bla bla bla.. so i concluded that she should become a BOMOH!! hahahaha... or maybe assassin?MISS RANJINI...
physical appearance : dyed long hair, BIG BIG eyes
character : look innocent, funny, caring
relationship with her : my first friend from disted and partner in class until now, share the "just nice" secret with me
specialty : sms queen (always sms in class wan), many people like to create problem for her, photographer during our outings
possible future : according to mr oh, supposed to be an astronomer and predict the weather..MISS KAREN...
physical appearance : long hair, BIG BIG eyes
character : INSANE, hardworking, caring
unforgettable memories : close the computer programs with her bare hands instead of pressing the "x" sign
specialty : the ability to annoy the hell out of you by "shooting" you in whatever you are saying
possible future : according to mr oh, she will be a good accountant or lecturer (imagine the students got "shooting" by her... pity)MISS JASVIN...
nickname : princess fiona (shrek's wife)
physical appearance : thin, long hair, BIG BIG eyes
character : crazy, mischievous, unpredictable, sleepy head
unforgettable memories : disted's "kungfu master" models together =S
specialty : ability to sleep in any lectures at anytime, can think of any pranks anytime
possible future : sleeper or potential clownMR ALAN WOO...
physical appearance : short hair, specs, tall
character : sleepy head, blur
unforgettable memories : he fell asleep in class, then he woke up suddenly and ask sir question number 48, padahal we are only at question 18.. lol
specialty : dun ever leave your pens/highlighters unattended because he will mix the inks and make you confused
favourite quote : "depends on the weather"
possible future : sleeper or king of all blurs.. but according to mr oh, he'll be a good doctorMR AMANDEV...
physical appearance : dyed short hair, tall
character : insane, crazy, just like BABI =P
specialty : attend classes without any stationaries and expect ME to lend him everything, ability to bully any person he targets
favourite quote : "when the future is bright, turn right"
possible future : drinkerMR DIVA
physical appearance : near botak hair, tall
character : funny, hardworking, smart
specialty : can say proverbs out of nowhere
favourite quote : "BREAKKKKK", "the past is the past, we must talk about the future"
possible future : police?MISS YI WEI...
physical appearance : tall, long hair
character : easily excited, blur, hardworking
unforgettable memories : drive her car into the longkang right at the college's front gate
specialty : can finish all 6 sides of rubic's cube
possible future : good housewife (cause now she's busy doing housework)MISS JUN LYNN...
physical appearance : long hair
character : hardworking, attentive
specialty : always finish her studies in time (admit it friends, it is NOT EASY to finish your studies in time... and i seriously hope i'm as hardworking as her)
possible future : good accountant
physical appearance : long hair, specs
character : quiet but friendly.. always smiling
physical appearance : short hair, BIG eyes
character : quiet but chatty when chat online
**and he turn out to be my ex-schoolmate, kalpana's bro
physical appearance : long hair, big eyes
character : friendly and always joke
despite their unique characters and specialties, i still love hanging out with them and hope to have more outings with them!!
love them =)
ps : no hard feelings k? i'm juz seriously bored at home..
3 weeks ago
if hc bcome ambassador,sure many countries declare war to us...coz she go to that country n say:shit la u,y like tat wan?' 'bullshit la u''F la' ...haha...
my eyes very small meh?zzz..
lol.. HAHAHAHAHA... i think what u say is true.. LOL
remember the pic we took in redbox? my eyes bigger than u!! so ur eyes is SMALL.. hahahhaa
lol..i wanna complain face look round n fat in this pic. >.<
yea agreed i'll be a good wife in future.erm..although amen's opinion-> 'gal's are guy's housemaid', cause me feel quite irritating n 'objection!!' tat's wat i wanna say, he's quite right. haiz..pity to gals
who say girl is guy housemaid
nowadays all alr change liao
nw guy oso need girl do housework
if dont 1 do
jz employ maid lah
how cum let guy bully
nw alr 2008
not 1988
all alr change liao
lol... suddenly u both so DRAMATIC here wan..
lol dun so serious larrr...
winnie - i dun have ur pic alone wan... this one i have to cut some more.. lol phai seh
lol! y don't jocelin go study law n become a lawyer?'s totally suitable for you joc.^^
min,copy n save my pic from my friendster pics can d no need to edit it maa.hahaha!but nvm lar.don't wanna waste ur precious time to do twice for ur post.=X
she bcome lawyer?? later instead of defending her client, she backfire and make her client go jail.. LOL
sorry.. next time i'll do that.. hehehe
the judge ll sue her instead her client...
coz she ll say wtf tat also can...
LMAO.... hahahha
kinda true.. lol
in the end she sendiri masuk jail.. HAHAHAHHAA
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