1. Feels stupid when doing practice kit in class because I have no idea what the questions are talking about.
2. Panic and start studying textbooks/notes.
3. Feels even stupid-er because even after studying, I still couldnt do the practice kit.
4. Wants to give up but I know I must not do that!
4. Exam is in a month's time.
5. STRESS :( T____T
3 weeks ago
we're on the same boat!!!!!good luck!!!! I'M STUPID!!!!
goodluck to u tooo!
hey shu-min...just to let ya know...im facing the same dilemma as you...i hate it as our holidays can be counted by our FINGERS...my gosh...celaka, pfft, !@^&*()....semua keluar man when think of it!!! hahaha...wat to do...lolz
nvm la, although v're nood but oso hav 50% of smart ma, so v got chance 2 pass... good luck... : )
david: hahahaha totally understood all those !@#$%^& feelings... LOL
jocelin: yes lor. surviving using the 50%! :S goodluck to u too.
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